Incident Overview
PIM Contractor had used a flint igniter to light an oxy-acetylene torch. As there was only one igniter, the worker has placed the lit torch on top of the acetylene bottle and then walked over to the other worker to give them the ignitor.
As they did this the torch as fallen off and ended up resting against the acetylene bottle resulting in a burn area to the side of the bottle.
How are the people involved?
- There were no persons injured in this event
What immediate actions were taken?
- The site supervisor has noticed the torch and run over to remove the torch, turned off the gas and disconnect the hose from the bottle
- The bottle was removed to outside and then vented to reduce pressure from the heating
What further actions are required?
- Refresh all employees on the hazards involved in gas cutting equipment.
- Purchase additional flint ignitors.
- Review the Sub-Contractor engagement and on boarding process.
What can be done differently to prevent a similar incident from occurring?
Positions of People
- Co-worker could have walked over to pick up the flint ignitor
Rules & Procedures
- Procedure not followed – acetylene torches are very dangerous and should never be left lit and unattended
Tools & Equipment
- Flint ignitor was the correct tool though one should be supplied for each gas kit
- Torch should not have been left on and unattended
- All tools and equipment have inherent risk which must be understood by the person who is using the equipment. Safe methods of handling, using and storing must be understood and followed at all times.
- Tools and equipment must never be left energised and unattended. Energised equipment may injure persons or do damage to other property or equipment.
- It’s good practice to remain aware of the work environment and to take immediate action to correct any unsafe acts or conditions
National HSEQ Manager: Michael Kelly
Date of Issue: 28 October 2019