Programmed’s experience includes early childhood centres, primary and secondary schools and universities.
We can assist with your facility, asset management and project service needs. We’ll help you with painting, groundworks, presentation, provide intuitive wayfinding, branding through unified signage solutions, and give you world-class learning facilities equipped with the latest electrical technology and audio visual solutions.
Our long-term maintenance programs are designed around affordability and structure, so you can also tailor all upgrades, repairs and maintenance to suit your budget and needs, while keeping your facilities and grounds in an optimal condition. Our specialist sustainability services can help you save on costs, while being sensitive to the environment, and we can work with you to achieve immediate energy savings that you will sustain for years to come.
Whether you’re looking for casual work or a permanent role, Programmed will help find the right job and career path for you.
Search jobs | Rapu mahiIf you’re requiring services in the education industry, Programmed can deliver. Enjoy the power of a job done right.
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