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Specialist Protective Coatings: Protect Your Building Against Graffiti.

11 September 2016

Specialist protective coatings provide surfaces the highest form of protection from deterioration through advanced protective industrial coating application. There are many reasons why you should consider these high performance coatings to protect your building on the long run. Protect Your Building Protective Coating

The benefits of protective coatings include attaining long-term durability and retaining immaculate facility presentation. While they may cost more to implement initially, they may result in significantly lower maintenance costs in the long run.

Business owners and facility managers are all too familiar with the damage elements like harsh weather, corrosion and UV degradation can cause to your facilities’ painted surfaces and brand image, as well as the high repair costs that follow. Graffiti can be similarly destructive.

Graffitists favour rarely cleaned surfaces of highly visible buildings as canvasses for their work. Graffiti is also more likely to appear on walls already marked with graffiti. Hence, attractive, well-maintained painted surfaces may be key to protecting your building’s appearance. While not foolproof, they are definitely deterrents. It gives off the impression that you regularly protect your building with proper maintenance.

When graffiti happens, buildings without specialist protective coatings also risk further damage due to abrasive cleaning or removal processes, higher long term repair costs and more frequent repaints. Maintaining surfaces through frequent heavy duty cleaning so as to deter graffitists could result in higher than normal wear-and-tear; products used during this process could further accelerate substrate and paint deterioration. Decreasing the frequency of cleaning for the sake of preserving paintwork however, could make vandalism more likely to occur again and jeopardise the facility’s aesthetic appeal.

So, for a sustainable long-term solution to maintaining your building’s substrate and appearances, consider quality specialist protective coatings with anti-graffiti finishes. While it does not mean the coatings will prevent graffiti from being applied altogether, it will provide a protective layer able to facilitate faster, less invasive removal to reduce the extent of the damage. And the earlier graffiti is able to be removed, the better.

Plus, if you build specialist protective coatings into your next repaint and integrate this into a long-term preventative painting maintenance programme, you could save not just looks, but also money in the long run. Start protecting your building by way of a maintenance programme and avoid large upfront costs with Programmed. Contact us to discuss how we can assist in protecting your building.

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