Safety in schools is paramount. The involvement of students, staff, parents, visitors and the public in general requires consistent safety. This can only be sustained if there is a deep and personal belief in safety as an organisation, and also with each individual involved. As specialists in property maintenance services, we understand the importance of safety.
Across the Programmed business and in every facet of our organisation Programmed operates on Zero Harm safety culture. Occupational health and safety is an operational necessity and every incident is avoidable.
When Programmed are working on your school, we are guided by a Site Safety Plan specific to your school. This is developed before we begin work at your school, and is maintained throughout the time we are contracted by you. We keep records of the checks we have made as well as all our safety observations while on site which you can view at any time. We also audit ourselves regularly to ensure we are following the Site Safety Plan to check that we are doing what we say we are doing. We call this process a “Work Site Review” and it covers OH&S, Quality and Environmental issues.
For us safety excellence is a discipline. Our overall objective is to ensure:
- No one is injured in the course of performing the work.
- No one’s health is compromised as a result of the work.
Policies –
To manage Occupational Health and Safety while we work in schools, we have established certain policies and processes. This means safety is already a priority even before we undertake work at your school.
All staff assigned to schools must undergo:
- A thorough induction programme about managing Health and Safety in our company.
- Police vetting at initial employment and three yearly thereafter.
- Drug and Alcohol testing (both pre-employment and random).
- Familiarisation with a specific written work practice for working around children in schools.
Common standards for safety –
Our policies and procedures around Occupational Health and Safety are modelled on Australian and New Zealand standards, and Australian Health and Safety laws. These standards are common across our business nationally, meaning that while we may adapt our solutions to meet your school’s unique needs, we never alter our standards.
Stringent risk and hazard management –
Thorough risk and hazard management processes for each site, job and day help us eliminate risk while working at your school. We identify and manage risk, by asking ‘What could go wrong?’ or ‘How can I or anyone else be injured?’
We conduct a formal Site Risk Assessment of your school prior to any work commencing. This is then developed into a Job Safety Analysis for the whole project and includes specific work methods to manage risk and hazards we have identified. This is the Safety Plan which is tailored to your school.
Because we recognise that the environment we work in changes with each day, we maintain our Safety Plan on a daily basis. A Job Safety & Environmental Analysis (JSEA) briefing is conducted each day around the tasks involved and your school’s specific conditions for that day. These are recorded and form our safety plan for that day along with frequent Toolbox Meetings for day-to-day safety, housekeeping and general site protocol. If more than one job is started in a day, then more than one JSEA will be conducted.
Employees trained around safety –
On top of compulsory Programmed corporate safety inductions, we ensure any staff assigned to your school also undergo site-specific inductions at your school. These inductions make staff aware of site emergency procedures, restricted areas, specific school procedures, policies or rules, emergency contact details as well as other essential information relating to your school and the work we will be undertaking.
Equipment –
To carry out the work on your school we will only use equipment that is fit for purpose, safe and well maintained. This includes our staff wearing the appropriate protective clothing to protect themselves from any hazards or risks they are exposed too while undertaking the work. Equipment and operational checklists are followed each day prior to being used.
We ensure that only fully trained, experienced and competent staff are working on high risk activities such as working at height or from elevating work platforms be it at your school or any other site.
Engaging you through regular communication –
Our Account Manager and Project Managers will communicate regularly with you on progress and the specific arrangements for the work on your site. We welcome your participation and invite you to be involved in our daily safety meetings as well as our OHS processes, as it is essential that you join us in remaining safe at all times.
Strong safety track record
With a Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate of 1 for 2015/2016 we have a strong and demonstrable safety track record. This assures your school of our ability to contribute to a safe, secure and community friendly environment.
For more information on safeguarding school grounds, download the PDF information flyer to make certain of safety at your school. Talk to Programmed today regarding a specific Site Safety Plan.