Our Customer
Founded in 1889, Rangi Ruru Girls’ School is an independent day and boarding school for girls Years 7 to 13 in Christchurch, New Zealand.
Project Description
Consistently ranked among New Zealand’s top schools, Rangi Ruru recognises the effect a good school environment has on its students. As part of ensuring all students feel secure and confident, the School decided to refresh its boarding facilities both inside and out.
“Having bright, fresh and clean boarding houses are important to ensure that the school continues to attract potential students from outside the city to board in its facilities.” said Treena Ruwhiu, Director of Boarding.
The project was quite extensive, covering all hallways, common areas and individual bedrooms of the Boarding House, its associated flats, as well as the Dining Room and the Moerangi Boarding House. Being hired out during school holidays, these areas also serve as an additional source of income to the school. Thus, it was important that any contractor chosen to complete the project had the flexibility and capacity to minimise any disturbance to daily School operations.
Project Solution
Programmed recommended a repaint that would be completed in a single year, but spread across the four school term breaks. This would achieve the School’s desire to bring all areas up to the same standard of presentation in a short period but minimise disruptions to students or staff. To ensure the facilities remained in top condition, an annual maintenance programme was implemented.
It was also important to maintain the comfort of guests of the boarding house’s school holiday rentals, and their access to the boarding house. Programmed relied on our readily deployable workforce, large resource capacity and well-developed lines of communication for this. Through arranging and closely coordinating work on an area by area basis, as well as over weekends, we were able to achieve a hugely successful outcome.
Project Outcome
Through an efficient use of resources and well scheduled work, the repaint was completed ahead of time and to a standard which exceeded expectations.
Treena commented “Programmed have delivered this project to a very high standard that supports the high level of presentation that the school demands.”