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Six Successful Rebrand Tips

26 April 2020

Unveiling a new brand can be as daunting as it is exciting, but a rebrand goes way beyond a logo update.

For a successful rebrand, multiple factors contribute to the reach and impact of the new brand reveal. Much like a badly placed piece of spinach on perfectly white teeth, existing assets that have not been maintained or updated stand out glaringly. Which is why the following points can help get the rebranding process right to maximise impact and return.

1. Visual Consistency

It’s easy to think ‘Job done!’ after installing a new sign featuring the rebrand. The impact of a newly rebranded large external sign can be boosted when other parts of the property are similarly aligned.

Ensuring all aspects of the site are updated and presented to the same standard of the new sign provides continuity, harmony and uniformity. When juxtaposed, older areas will not detract from spanking new assets.

2. It’s all in the details

There’s no sense in investing money on a logo and a sexy new website, only to have the overall effect dragged down by graffitied walls, a shabby landscape or a tired reception. Take a holistic look at your entire site, and ask:

  • Do all areas align so interiors match exteriors?
  • What can we do to keep all areas looking similarly presented in terms of colours, condition and aesthetics?
  • When was the last time we audited our wayfinding signage to see if messaging and directions are still accurate and able to point people in the right direction?
  • What high traffic garden and lawn areas need landscaping or maintenance?

3. Look out for old, outdated assets

Are the old logo – and old message – still represented anywhere on the site? Which aspects of safety and statutory signage need updating? Part of rebranding is repositioning and building a new identity. This can’t be achieved if the ghost of old-brands past still lurks in the background. Develop and update the site’s key visual elements to communicate a similar message consistent with your new brand.

4. Decide on your budget, and stick to it

It’s easy to get carried away or overwhelmed with expenses when rebranding. Work with a provider able to help you accurately assess costs and risks. At Programmed, we also enable companies to institute planned implementation in tandem with flexible payment options tailored to suit budget requirements and free up cash flow. Some of these options include amortised costs so works can be implemented without the full costs upfront.

5. Put a long term-maintenance programme in place

Your brand-new logo or signs may look great now, but sun and weather exposure can have a deteriorating effect. Protect your asset and have your signage look fresher for longer with a tailored long-term maintenance programme.

6. Choose a well experienced partner to follow through with a sound rebranding strategy.

As a multi-services business with a large national network Programmed will ensure nothing will slip through the cracks and that your brand is interpreted with consistency and clarity.

Make the most of your rebrand, and work collaboratively with Programmed. Our painting, grounds, signage, building projects, maintenance and electrical services can ensure all aspects are comprehensively addressed for consistent branding across your entire site.

Talk to us today.

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